How to Increase Blood Flow to Penis Naturally


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Are you wondering how to increase blood flow to penis naturally?

A good penile blood flow is essential when it comes to both achieving and maintaining firm erections, and thus to enjoying a fulfilling and healthy sex life. By the same token, a lack of blood flow to the penis is the primary cause of erectile dysfunction.

Fortunately, there are so many things you can do to increase the blood flow to your penis completely naturally, without taking any kind medication. In this article, we’ll teach you what they are. Some factors may be beyond your ability to control, but more often than not, you’ll find that the key to better health and a more satisfying sex life is in your own hands – and that all you need is the knowledge of how to use it.

Why a healthy blood flow to the penis is so important

There are two primary reasons why having a good blood flow to the penis is extremely important. Here they are:

Erectile funciton

The penis contains two internal chambers called the corpora cavernosa, which fill with blood as a response to sexual arousal. This process is known as vasocongestion.

When a man gets turned on, his brain sends signals to his penis to relax the blood vessels and increase blood flow to the two penile chambers, the corpus cavernosa. As a result, the chambers fill with blood, causing the penis to become rigid, erect and ready for action.

It follows that if the penis blood flow is insufficient, the erection won’t be as firm, if it happens at all. Increasing blood flow is the best way to combat and treat erectile dysfunction, whether we are talking about infirm erections or difficulties achieving and maintaining erections at all.

Pleasure and sensitivity

Increasing blood flow to your penis doesn’t only improve sexual function – comes with yet another benefit. A better blood flow can also increase your sensitivity and ability to feel pleasure from sexual touch and sexual activity.

What causes a poor blood flow to the penis

There are several potential causes of poor blood flow to the penis. Some of the most common causes include:

Blockages in the blood vessels

If your blood vessels are blocked and restricted, your blood flow will inevitably suffer.

Depending on genetic and lifestyle factors, plaque and clots can build up in the blood vessels over time, leading to a condition known as atherosclerosis. This can narrow the blood vessels and, as an unfortunate side-effect, obstruct blood flow to the penis.

Poor circulation

Another common cause of insufficient penile blood flow is having poor circulation.

Poor circulation can be caused by a variety of factors including a mostly sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, and certain medical conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.

Low testosterone levels

Did you know that low testosterone levels can impact your blood flow and your ability to achieve and maintain erections?

Well, now you do. Testosterone plays an important role in male sexual function, and a lack of testosterone can lead to erectile dysfunction. This is because testosterone helps to regulate the production of nitric oxide, a chemical that relaxes the blood vessels and increases blood flow to the penis. When testosterone levels are low, the production of nitric oxide may be impaired, leading to decreased blood flow to the penis.

Besides a lower libido and trouble getting hard, symptoms of low testosterone can include fatigue and a loss of muscle mass. All in all, low testosterone is not fun to deal with!

Low testosterone levels can be caused by a variety of different factors, including ageing, medical conditions and taking medications. If you suspect you may have low testosterone, ask your doctor to measure your levels and suggest the best treatment for you.

Underlying medical conditions including High blood pressure, Coronary artery disease and other cardiovascular health problems

In some cases, erectile dysfunction can be a symptom of a more severe medical condition. If this is the case for you, it is important that you seek out treatment for the underlying condition rather than simply trying to address the symptom.

Underlying health conditions that are known for restricting blood flow to the penis and causing erectile dysfunction include diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.


Obesity can massively impact your overall health in a negative direction, including your sexual health and function. Obesity can contribute to poor circulation, which in turn leads to a poor penis blood flow.


As we age, our bodies stop working with the same ease and assuredness that they used to.

There are several things that happen with age that can negatively impact a person’s penis blood flow. These include a higher body weight resulting from a more sedentary and overall less active lifestyle, lower testosterone levels, and worse blood circulation overall.

It is almost inevitable that your erections will become less firm and less frequent as you age, but if you take great care of both your physical and mental health, you won’t have to resign to erectile dysfunction.

Depression, Stress and emotional strains

The body and the mind influence each other, much more than we tend to think they do.

Mental factors can really play into whether or not you come to struggle with erectile dysfunction. Being highly anxious or stressed, or being deeply depressed, can cause all sorts of bodily problems, including a poor blood flow to the penis and subsequent difficulties with erectile dysfunction.

The good news about erectile dysfunction caused by mental factors is that curing your depression or bringing your anxiety levels under control can very quickly cure your ED, too.

How to naturally improve blood flow to the pen

Now we’ve reached the more constructive part of this article. Here, we’ll talk about what you can do to increase blood flow to your penis, completely naturally.

Exercise regularly

It’s important to stay in the best physical shape you possibly can, for so many reasons. Maintaining or improving a good blood flow to the penis is just one of them.

Regular physical activity can improve circulation and help to increase blood flow to the penis As a rule of thumb, you should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per day. Exercising daily is the easiest way to maintain a healthy weight and healthy blood pressure levels.

Here are a few examples of suitable exercises for improving circulation:


Walking is an accessible and low-intensity form of workout that almost anyone can do. Even if you are struggling with obesity or other health conditions that are making more strenuous exercise unobtainable, walking may still be available to you. It’s also free, and can be done just about anywhere.

Walking is hugely underrated as a form of exercise. You can simply amble along while listening to music or a podcast – or while having an engaging conversation with a walking companion, barely without noticing that you are getting a good workout in.

Ideally, walking should be combined with more intense exercise, but it’s a great thing to have available to you and a great place to get started if you for any reason aren’t able to run, swim, cycle etc.


Running is just as great as walking, with the added benefit of being much more effective. When you run, you can put away many more miles than you can walking for the same length of time.

Running is tremendously helpful exercise when it comes to weight management, cardiovascular health and blood flow. It is’t good to run every day, but you can certainly benefit from running several times a week. If you’re out of shape when you start running, take great care to warm up and down properly before you go for a run.


Swimming is a wonderful form of exercise – it feels low intensity because of the anti-gravitational properties of water, but it has the impact of a high-intensity workout.

Swimming only requires some swimwear, swim goggles and a nearby swimming pool you’re able to access. Swimming works out your entire body and is fantastic for building core strength, improving blood flow and shedding any excess weight you ma be carrying around.


Cycling really gets your blood flowing and your heart rate up! Cycling is intense, which means that even just a short sprint here and there can have an impact and help stimulate a healthy blood flow.

Cycling can be done outdoors, but this can prove challenging if you live in a big city. Fortunately, most gyms are well equipped with stationary bikes and many offer spin classes where a trainer cracks the whip over you and makes sure you aren’t slacking off!

Resistance training

Resistance training using free weights and exercise machines is wonderful for building strength and stamina, while also being great for cardiovascular health and blood flow. What’s more, resistance training on a regular basis can help you keep your testosterone levels up, which gives you more energy, more drive, more desire and a better blood flow to your penis.

If you are unused to resistance and weigh training, it is important to not overdo it right off the bad. Too much weight too fast can cause torn ligaments and other injuries, and some of these can take a while to heal from. If you are unsure of how much weight you can manage, start lower than you think you’re able to. Don’t fall for the trap of trying to impress random people at the gym – remember you’re working out to improve your health, your blood flow and your sexual functioning, not to get recognition from other people at the gym.

Pelvic floor exercises

Try to incorporate pelvic floor exercises into your regular exercising routine. Needless to say, the penis is attached to your pelvic region, so strengthening and moving your pelvic floor helps maintain a healthy blood flow in that entire area of the body.

Pelvic floor exercises are simple and easy to do. Start out by sitting comfortably. Then activate your pelvic floor by tightening your pelvic floor muscles and squeezing 10-15 times. Hold the squeeze for a few seconds, then let go and repeat. Make sure you are breathing steadily while doing the exercise reps, and refrain from tightening your stomach, butt or thigh muscles.

Stay consistent and stay motivated

One really hardcore workout isn’t a fraction as effective as more low-intensity workouts that are more regular. The key to getting any exercise regimen to work for you is to create a habit you’re actually able to stick to.

If you want to improve blood flow to your penis quickly, it can be tempting to aim really high and set an ambitious goal. You may tell yourself that you are going to swim, cycle or run for an hour every day.

The problem is that, if you are not in the habit of exercising at all, you’re likely to start out strong and then hit a wall. It is much better to build a consistent habit slowly but surely. While it may take you a little longer to see the results you desire, making consistent progress is infinitely better than making a leap forward and then stalling (and eventually sliding backwards to where you started).

If you generally struggle with discipline and consistency, get yourself a workout buddy. Working out with someone else makes it much easier to stay consistent and to keep showing up.

Eat a healthy diet

To improve blood flow to your penis is a multi-dimensional effort. Working out and staying fit isn’t all there is to it – the other part of the equation, so to speak, is eating a healthy diet. If you work out regularly but still eat crap, you are unlikely to see the amazing results you can expect if you are both exercising and eating well.

Whole grains

Whole grains should form the foundational cornerstone of any healthy diet. There are so many great things to be said about whole grains that it is difficult to know where to start.

Whole grains include oats, whole wheat, bulgur (cracked wheat), couscous, millet, black rice, brown rice and red rice.

What all whole grains have in common is that they – in contact to more refined and processed grains – are rich in endosperm, germ, and bran, which are vital for dietary health while also lowering your risk of several diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, obesity and cancer.

Fruits and vegetables

Remember the five a day rule? If you’re not already practicing it as law, now is a good time to start.

Fruits and vegetables should be eaten every day. They’re rich in some of the most important vitamins, antioxidants and minerals your body needs to stay healthy and function optimally. A diet that is rich in vegetables and fruits can help you improve blood flow to your penis, but can also help you lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of developing diseases. Heart disease, stroke, cancer, eye and digestive problems and obesity are just some of them.

Some of the most healthy fruits and vegetables you should incorporate into your diet include: Bananas, apples, avocados, citrus fruits, carrots, blueberries and sweet potatoes.


Foods that are rich in antioxidants, such as berries and dark leafy greens, can also help to improve blood flow.

Kale and spinach are among the healthiest greens you can get your hands on.


Garlic does more than simply add flavor to your meal. Allicin, a nutrient found in garlic possesses antioxidant and antibacterial properties. These are linked to increasing blood flow and keeping the cardiovascular system in tip top shape.


Ginseng, specifically Korean red ginseng, has been proven to increase blood flow in the entire body, including the penis.

Ginseng works by preventing platelet aggregation and coagulation.

Dark chocolate

Have you been hoping and praying for an excuse to eat more chocolate? Well, here you have it.

Dark chocolate contains polyphenols, which are proven to help the body produce more nitric oxide. As mentioned earlier in this article, nitric oxide is a compound that causes blood vessels to dilate, which in turn makes blood flow more easily.

Avoid processed foods

Processed foods aren’t good for your health in general, and they aren’t good for your circulation either. Processed foods can cause your blood vessels to restrict, so an easy and quick way to increase blood flow to your penis if your diet currently consists of a lot of processed food is simply to start replacing everything you eat with healthier alternatives.

As a besides, processed foods are not only bad for your cardiovascular health and circulation, they can also increase your risk of developing a hose of health problems, ranging from obesity and malnutrition to some forms of cancer. While highly processed foods are often the easier and cheaper choice in the moment, your long-term health and wellbeing is going to benefit tremendously if you prioritise the foods that are better for you in the long run.

Limit your intake of unhealthy fats and cholesterol

Unhealthy fats and cholesterol are found in foods you already know you should’t be eating much of: Cakes, biscuits, sausages, bacon, cheese, buttery, lard and fatty cuts of meat.

While eating these foods in small quantities now and then is absolutely fine, they should not be mainstays in your diet.

Take dietary supplements

It may be worth consulting a nutritionist or doctor who can help assess whether you are getting all of the vitamins and other vital nutrients you need through your diet. Chances are, you probably have some deficiencies that you would do well to address.

Taking vitamins and other dietary supplements such as Omega-3 oil capsules is a perfectly valid way of ‘topping up’ your diet to ensure you are not leaving anything out that can help you maintain a healthy body and a good blood flow.

Quit smoking

Are you a smoker?

If so, you probably aren’t going to like hearing this. Smoking is extremely detrimental for almost every aspect of your physical health, including your blood flow.

Many aren’t aware of this, but smoking can damage the blood vessels anywhere in your body, including the blood vessels in and around your penis, which can seriously decrease blood flow to the penis. The good news about this is that, if you quit smoking, much of the damage done by smoking, even if you have been a smoker for years, may be undone over time. The body has an amazing ability to recover and heal.

Maintain a healthy weight

Being of a healthy body weight is an important aspect of sexual function and health. If you are overweight, your entire circulatory system is labouring under much more pressure to pass blood around your body. It can also make it much harder for the erectile tissue in your penis to fill with blood when you are aroused.

If you are currently overweight, shedding the extra kilos can prove key to increasing your blood flow and overcoming even the slightest hint of erectile dysfunction.

Practice stress and anxiety management techniques

As mentioned earlier in this article, mental health challenges can dramatically impact every aspect of your health, including your sexual function and ability to get and to stay erect.

Some of the very best proven stress and anxiety management techniques out there include meditation, mindfulness, spending time in nature, and simply allowing yourself to switch off completely once in a while.

Address any underlying medical issues

If you suspect you have any underlying medical conditions that are making it difficult for you to maintain and sustain erections, it is important to talk about them with a medical professional who will be able to assess you and suggest a suitable course of treatment. Not all medical conditions can be cured with exercise and a healthy diet alone.

Final thoughts on increasing penile blood flow

We hope that you have fond this article helpful and that you are going to take the important and potentially (sex) life changing knowledge it contains and implement it in your own life.

Just to reiterate, maintaining a healthy blood flow to the penis is important for overall sexual health and function. It can help to prevent problems with erectile dysfunction while also improving sensitivity and therefore sexy pleasure and enjoyment. In some cases, blood flow problems are the result of a medical condition that will have to be addressed, well, medically, but in most cases there are several things you can do yourself to help maintain a healthy blood flow to the penis. The key points are exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, and not smoking.

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